Saturday, November 28, 2015

Winter Magic: a Variety Show

by Shelby (grade 7)
Exciting news! Black Butte School has an upcoming performance called Winter Magic. We invite you to join us to watch our performance on Thursday December 17th, at 6pm in the Community Hall of Camp Sherman. Following the performance we will have a dessert potluck with lots of yummy sweets. 

Winter Magic is a variety show, including group performances from the whole school, individual acts, and small group acts. We students will perform our own theatrical, musical, or dance performances. Also, Ms. Sharp our teacher has organized some whole school acts for you to enjoy. The show will feature a short play called the Gingerbread Girl, written by D.L. Lawrence, performed by all of us.
We have been practicing for this show every Tuesday and Thursday during our performing arts class. During that time, we make plans, practice and learn about music, rhythm, beat, theater, and dance.
Our teacher Ms. Sharp is organizing the performance. Holly Foster, Zion's (grade K)Grandma, is helping us to learn some songs and she plays the piano.
We hope for the best and that you will come to enjoy our show!

1 comment:

  1. Shelby ~ great job on the writing! You guys are getting so good at these.
